What Has Worked and What Hasn’t Worked

A while ago, I was given a challenge to figure out what has worked for me and what hasn’t worked for me during this weight loss/fitness journey I have been on since January.

I sat down toward the end of 2011 and tried to figure out how I was going to make a change in my life.  I was sick and tired of being overweight, of not wearing clothes that fit (or that I liked).  I was just sick and tired.  So I made a commitment to myself to try to change things around.   If I want to change how my life ends, I need to be the author of my life.  If I want to see my grandchildren (in a LONG time), then I need to do what is necessary so that I don’t end up with health issues like my grandparents.  It’s my responsibility to make the change – no one else can do it for me.

What Worked!

What has worked for me is support and challenges.  I was in a weight loss/fitness challenge through my local Y from January to May.  I also participated in a Live Healthy Iowa Wellness Challenge during that same time.  At the end of that,  I struggled.  Luckily I had a friend who was willing to continue our weekly weigh-ins to help with some accountability.  In June, I found the Marathon Weight Loss Challenge by Jessica from the Run With Jess blog.  That was a 13-week challenge that took me from June to September.  There were a lot of online participants, which was good; and a weekly weigh-in, which also helped.  In about 2 weeks, I start the Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge, which will take me from November to January, when I will pick up the Y’s challenge again this year.   All of these have helped give me a little motivation and have helped me be accountable to myself and my fellow participants.

Another thing that has worked for me is to have a goal and a plan.  When I was training for the Southern Tennessee Plunge Half Marathon, I knew what I needed to do and I had a plan for it.  Without a plan or a goal, I just stumble around trying to figure out what to do.  My goal right now is to build my strength and my running endurance for next spring’s running season, with an end goal of running all the Grand Prix races next year.  My plan to accomplish this includes C25k, NRoL4W, and general cardio.

I’m also very thankful that my husband is supporting me on my journey.  Most everyone has been supportive and understanding when I say I can’t do something due to a training run, regular workout, or when I decline sweets or other unhealthy food.

What Hasn’t Worked!

But what hasn’t worked?  Focusing on too many things at once.  For me, I need to have a plan and a schedule.  I can’t just try and make it work, because that makes me sit on the couch and watch Project Runway.  I also need to make sure I take time for myself – whether that’s just alone time or workout time.  If I don’t have that time to myself, I start getting overwhelmed and stressed, which leads to unhealthy eating and activities.


What has worked for you on your journey?  What hasn’t worked for you?

Workout Calendar – Making Myself Accountable


I realize it’s not very legible, but this is my workout calendar for November.  My employer gives us $10 for each month we turn in exercise logs with over 360 minutes of activity on it.  I have figured out that it helps me to have a plan.

This is how I planned November:

  • Wrote down all of our home appointments (husband’s work schedule, my activities, kid activities)
  • Noted all days of Couch to 5k program (3 days per week)
  • Added days of New Rules of Lifting for Women (usually 2 days per week; some are days of C25k)
  • Noted Rest days (1-2 days per week)
  • Added biking in when possible (some doubles with C25k or NRoL4W; biking may be replaced with Y classes)

I don’t usually post this information, but I think this may make me a little more accountable.  At the end of the month, I will take a picture of the completed log and we will see where I end up.

How do you motivate yourself?  Do you plan your workouts?

Weights, Weights, Weights

Tonight I started back into New Rules of Lifting for Women. I decided to start back at the very beginning, rather than pick up where I left off.

Here is what I learned tonight –

  • I’m a little stronger than I was when I started it the first time.
  • Taking the time to do the exercise correctly will pay off in the end.  Last time, I ended up taking short cuts.
  • I really need to cool down.  My cool down tonight consisted of walking to my car because I was late for supper.
  • I need to just pay attention to what I am doing and not worry about what I look like to the other gym users. (Oh, and I SUCK at push-ups!)

In all, it was a good workout.  I will probably feel it tomorrow, but that’s ok.


Exercises for today: warm-up on spin bike; front squats, push ups, seated row, step-ups, prone jack knife.

Added: toe raises, calf extensions, plank (1:20)

Motivation Monday

Since Mondays are tough sometimes…I thought I would try to help motivate people a bit.  If you are on Facebook, you have probably seen most of these, but consider it a reminder.

There are days I feel like this is happening.  I try to use my runs to refocus and spend time thinking about what is important.  There are days that my run is all about putting one foot in front of the other and it’s all I can do to just keep going and not give up.  I have to dig deep and ask for help to keep going.  But you know what?  That’s ok.  My faith is growing, my strength is growing, and my endurance is growing.

A Bike Ride Along the River

Today was a great day.  I hopped on my bike and took off.  Partway through my cruise around town, I decided to hit the river trail.  It was a beautiful day – about 40-50 degrees, sunny, and no wind.  Along the trail is a lookout over the Mississippi.  One direction looks over the Lock & Dam, the other looks over the bridge.  I love that lookout – especially the fact that you can see so far in each direction.  There’s something about living so close to the Mississippi that is awe-inspiring.  There is so much power in that water and so much history on the river that to know that for the last 37 years it’s been within reach is humbling.

It was a good ride.  It was 11 miles in 1:07.  I had some good mileage splits and some others that weren’t so great, but at least I got out.  I think that I am going to spend some time in the next few months building up my endurance on my bike and maybe making a few modifications to it.
Plus, this is an activity that we can do as a family (as long as the weather is nice).

Back in the Swing of Things

I seem to do better with a plan.  It must be part of my Type A personality.  I decided that after my half-marathon (on October 6) I would be taking some time away from constant exercise.  So I took most of October off….and my exercise calendar looks really sad because of it.  But I think I needed it.  I needed time to rest, recharge, and find the fun in working out again.

However, there’s only a few days left in October, so I need to create a plan for November.   I have decided to restart Couch to 5k (I never got past week 4 when I tried it before).  I am also going to restart New Rules of Lifting for Women (never got past Phase 2).  As of now, my plan is to do C25k 3 days per week and NR 2 days per week.  Given my schedule at home, I think it’s doable.  If I find time, I am going to bike or pick up a class at the Y.  If I find the inspiration, I might try to do one of the Jilian Michaels DVDs I have sitting around the house.

Considering I took most of October off nutritionally as well, my goal is to get back into eating healthier.  I never stopped tracking, and I tracked about 98% of what I ate, but I didn’t really care if I went over calories for the day.

All that being said, I am surprised that I was able to maintain (within 5 pounds) the weight I was at the beginning of the month.  I take my measurements on the 1st of the month, so I will be interested to see how those changed.  It’s nice to know that I am able to maintain my progress even without obsessing over everything I eat or how much I exercise.

Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge

I have been saying lately that I needed a challenge to tide me over until the Y Weigh challenge starts in January.  Amanda from Run to the Finish is hosting this challenge again this year.

It looks like it’s going to be fun.  There are different levels based on your activity preference and points will be awarded for various items.

More information is available here: Holiday Bootie Buster Challenge Overview.

The challenge will start November 19th.  Join me!  Click the below button to sign up and say you I referred you.

Join The Holiday Challenge

10 Running-Related Personal Questions

I am a follower of Another Mother Runner.  Love their blog, their books, their giveaways, and their fun.  The other day, they posted “10 Running-Related Personal Questions” and asked their followers to contribute.  So here goes….

Best Run Ever:  I have only been running for about 6 months, but the run I have felt the best about was a local 5k in August.  It was a beautiful day, I had a great time even though I didn’t know anyone, and I felt great while running.  Just a great morning all around.

Three Words to Describe My Running: Hopeful.  Trying.  Never-Give-Up.

My Go-To Running Outfit:  My husband is probably tired of seeing me in these, but it’s a pair of black shorts from Wal-Mart (I have 3 pairs of identical shorts), and a ribbed tank from Wal-Mart (I have about 6-10 of these).  Oh, and you can’t forget the bandana that doesn’t match ANYTHING I am wearing.

Quirky Habit While Running:  I am lucky enough that my parents live in the same town.  Depending on the length of my run, I stop at my parent’s house at least once, sometimes twice.  The final stop is always to grab a cold bottle of water, at least 1 Double Stuff Oreo, and to allow my parents to give me a hard time about eating an Oreo while I run.  When it’s really hot,  I hope they have freezy-pops.

Morning, Midday, Evening: I am an evening runner.  I like my sleep too much to get up in the morning, and I really hate being sweaty over my lunch time.

I won’t run outside when it’s: So far, I won’t run when it’s really hot and humid.  I had an awful experience running a 5k in hot/humid weather and wasn’t prepared.  I also won’t run by myself when it’s really dark.  Our town is pretty safe, but I’d still rather not risk it.

Worst Injury – and How I got over it: So far, nothing bad enough I had to go to the doctor.  However, I have determined that if I push too hard, too fast, my knees don’t really like that.  So I take it easy, ice it, rest it, and wear a brace.  If it keeps up, then I will deal with it differently.

I felt most like a badass mother runner when: I completed a 13 mile run/walk and didn’t collapse afterward. Oh, and when my daughters are at the finish line cheering me on!

Next Race is: Southern Tennessee Half-marathon in Winchester, Tennessee on October 6.  I am running it with my niece (ok, so she’s running and I’m walking most of it) and it’s our first race.  I’m excited to do this with her.

Potential running goal for 2013: a sub-30 5k, my first 10k, and actually run a complete half-marathon.

My motto for 2013.

Thoughts About My Journey

I saw this on MyFitnessPal this morning (from yoovie) and I thought it was something to think about.  Too often, I am wrapped up in my own head when it comes to my weight loss and exercise plan.  I often forget about why I am doing this and how easy it is to slip up.  I have had a month of slips and I really need to get back on the wagon.  I need to remember that it’s the end game that matters, not the day-to-day battle against temptation and my own inner voice.

1. The people that succeed are the ones that want it the most.

2. The ones that want it enough, shine bright as the sun with inner light.

3. If you want to succeed, you will research and study and find out the truth for yourself instead of mindlessly eating up whatever anyone tells you. Pun intended.

4. Happy is a decision.

5. It is possible to fear success – and that is one of the hidden hurdles no one tells you you’ll have to break through.

6. There is no end game if you are doing it right, you simply become capable of more and more and more.

7. You’ll never succeed if you dont honestly believe you deserve to succeed. Because otherwise you’ll accept any excuse to lag behind.

8. You are going to realise terrifying, life-changing, sanity unhinging things about yourself and you are going to be shocked at what you are willing to change and sacrifice because you can finally see that it will be better in the long run. many things will devastate you, many will destroy your spirit. temporarily. and then you will realize that you made a decision that would prevent ugliness and resentment in the future and you stood by it and you can be proud of the dignity you will have later, for making the awful decisions now.

9. You finally understand that selfishness is not always a sin and in many cases, goddamn late showing up in your life- you need it, you cherish it, you thrive because of it- and are in a better place to be able to help others because of it.

10. if you think that temptation to eat bad around your friends/husband, not being able to get out of bed to exercise in the morning or hearing discouraging things from the people around you are good reasons for quitting all the time… you should quit for good, you just don’t have the chops for flying.


A Refocus on My Journey

In January, I started a new way of life.  Nothing dramatic, but it was time for a change.  I decided that I was tired of the way I looked and felt.  I decided to become more active and to eat better.  I signed up for MyFitnessPal; I started a “Biggest Loser” type of competition at my local Y; and went on about my day.

 As I sit here at the beginning of month 8, I decided to look back at what I have done. 

  • Achievement 1 – Weight Loss – to date, I have lost about 30 pounds.  I’m not done yet, and it’s not coming off as fast as I would like, but that’s ok.  Am I eating better?  Mostly.  Can I do better?  Sure, but who wants to give up chocolate?
  • Achievement 2 – Running – to date, I have raced in 2 virtual 5k races and 3 other 5k races.  I am not the fastest runner, but I am working on it.  I will say this though, as much as I like the 5k races with other people, I really like the virtual races.  I don’t feel as much pressure that I am going to be the last one to cross the finish line.  I have at least 3 5k races, a 4-mile virtual race, a 10k, and a half-marathon planned for the next 3 months.
  • Achievement 3 – Weight Lifting – if you had asked me in January to lift weights, I would have headed straight to the machines and gone to work, but not challenged myself.  In April, I decided that I needed more of a challenge.  I poked around on some forums and other websites and found New Rules of Lifting for Women.  I started the program in May and am in the 2nd phase.  I have (mostly) enjoyed what I have learned while doing it.  In addition, I feel stronger and a bit braver…especially those days in which I am the only female in the free weight area.
  • Achievement 4 – Clothing – I have dropped 3-4 sizes since January, depending on the brand, style, and type of clothing.  This has to be one of my biggest complaints – garment manufacturers cannot seem to standardize their sizes.  On top of that, the classic size 8 is not the current size 8 (in my opinion anyway).

 What do I see for myself for the rest of this year?  Here are my goals:

  • Goal 1 – Weight Loss – lose another 10 pounds by the half-marathon, lose remaining weight by the end of the year (but NO LATER THAN March 1).
  • Goal 2 – Activity – stick with workouts.  I have found that it helps me to plan them out for each month.  Then I know what to expect and I can plan the rest of my day with certain expectations.  I also need to find something to train for.
  • Goal 3 – Weight Lifting – finish New Rules of Lifting for Women by the end of the year.  I should be able to accomplish that, unless my half-marathon training interferes too much.  After that program, I need to decide what I am going to do.  I may go back and start over, or I may decide to try something different.  Who knows?

This journey hasn’t been all sunshine and unicorns.  It’s been tough.  I’ve hit a few plateaus.  I’ve struggled with food choices.  There were days that I didn’t want to log everything I ate, but I did anyway.  I made myself accountable to the online friends I had; I made myself accountable to my husband and daughters; and most of all, I made myself accountable to me.  There are a few friends that have stuck with me since the beginning – with weekly weigh-ins that we text to each other, friends that listen to me whine and complain (and then help spur me on), friends that cheer me on when I run.  To them, I say

 thank you from the bottom of my heart.  I would have given up way before this without you.

The end of the Grandview Freedom Run Race (7/4/2012).

Without a doubt, this has been a hard journey (kind of like the race pictured above).  It’s not going to get easier.  I’m lucky that I have a supportive husband and two little girls who think it’s a lot of fun to “exercise” with Mommy on those days I decide a DVD is going to be the extent of my workout.  I’m lucky to have supportive friends.  I’m thankful for those people in cyber-land who run contests, who blog about their efforts, who are always willing to give information to newbies, and serve as inspiration.

As I refocus myself on the rest of the year and the activities I have coming up, I would like to say thank you.  Let’s keep supporting each other.


(reblogged from my other blog: jenpeterson.wordpress.com dated 8/1/2012)